I RESOLVE TO: Always put baklava in foil cups. I ran out of foil cups this year and switched over to paper halfway through. The syrup soaked through the paper, leaked onto the tray and was sopped up by the neighboring cookies. I should have gone out and bought more foil cups.

I RESOLVE TO: Forget the spritz cookies. They are nice looking, but they look a lot like manufactured cookies and they don't have anything "special". Try the recipe for key lime spritz cookies next year.

I RESOLVE TO: Give up on the minty cookies other than the creme de menthe brownies. It's too much of a hassle keeping them from affacting the taste of other cookies on the tray and they're less popular than many of the others.

I RESOLVE TO: Come up with a better system for laying out the cookie trays. Somehow I always end up with the heaviest cookies on top, and with some types of cookies completely buried under the others.

I RESOLVE TO: Remember to set up a table by the freezer. I tried it this year, and it was a big help. I had a place to sit things when I was looking through my packed-to-the-top freezer.

I RESOLVE TO: Wrap the cookies well. Cookies with a shortbread type crust don't last long when they are left out. Instead of getting hard, they get crumbly and fall to pieces when you pick them up.

I RESOLVE TO: Keep trying new recipes. Some of the most popular cookies this year were new to me: Chocolate Euphoria Bars, Chocolate Marshmallow Bars and Butterscotch Bars. Tasty new recipes outnumbered the "eh, don't care if I never have those again" types.
I RESOLVE TO: Make lots of bar cookies - so much faster!
I RESOLVE TO: Post a new recipe or baking information at least once a week!
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